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Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust Security

Traditional Security Architectures have evolved over time into a new philosophy of Zero Trust. It operates on a model that assumes every access to the network or application, both from inside or outside, is a threat.

We help organizations adopt the zero-trust philosophy when designing their security architecture.

Zero Trust Models

Verify the User

Multi-Factor Authentication for Username, Password, Code or Approval

Validate the device

Verify that the device is – known, trusted and up to date on Security and Patches.

Enforce Access

Make sure that only your End users access only the data they need for their roles in the organization.

Limit Access and Privilege

Provide access to applications and resources based on trust verification. Provide limited access based on a known user using an unknown device.

Controls for access from:
– Known or unknown devices –
– Known or unknown networks –
– Plugins –
– Missing Patches or out of date security –