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Security Visibility

Security Visibility

With the attack surface on your networks and systems growing larger each day, security visibility is becoming more and more important.

At Cyberintelsys, we help you to create better approaches towards gaining visibility across all platforms inside and outside your enterprise using an array of tools.


Correlate Logs across the entire network

Log correlation understands that when seemingly being logs are assembled risk can be seen, the same is true when logs are missing from a chain of events.

Contextual Security Alerting and Remediation

Use the who picture to make a threat determination.

User and Entity Behavior Analytics

Machine Learning understands what normal use from Humans and Machines looks like. Then it detects, alerts and blocks risky and anomalous activity.

Monitor all point solutions in one place

Firewall, Endpoint Security, Vulnerability Management, Switches, etc.

Threat Hunting

Use information from identified threats to locate that threat waiting to detonate elsewhere on the network.

Active Directory Security

Least Privilege Access

Keep users and devices with the exact right privileges to function correctly with any additional access.

Credential Privilege Escalation

Find out when user or system accounts have their privileges raised.

Stale Credentials

What accounts are no longer needed, reducing this exposure prevents hackers from taking advantage.

Cross Role Pollination

As long-term employees change roles over time, they continue to gain additional access, when does access from previous roles get removed.

Unauthorized Account Creation

How do you find out when unauthorized accounts get created? How long would it take you to find an account that was secretly privileged.

File Servers

Privilege Visibility for Unstructured Data

Insure that only the correct people are looking at your unstructured data, add and remove access as necessary and stay up to date with access and privileges.

File Integrity Monitoring

Identify when files are being fundamentally changed or compromised.

User Activity

Get a better picture of how users are accessing data, what they are accessing and who is accessing data inappropriately.